About Us

Hello Everyone! My name is Yuliana and I go by Yuli. I have been a licensed nail specialist since the late 90’s. A long time, I know! I’ve had a passion for nails since I was a kid.

Doing nails is not just a job for me. I enjoy the art, the experience and the relationships built along the way. Nails is not just something I do. Nails are part of grooming. Taking care of them is self care.

Mima Collection by Yuli Nails is our first collection of gel polish inspired by my grandmother, Mima. My grandmother pushed me and believed in me from when I was a teenager to go to nail school and pursue a nail career. Forward 20+ years later, here I am with a salon and a product line. In this collection, all the colors have been chosen by Mima and named after her in some way.

Thank you to all the amazing people that surround me and have been the reason I am where I am. To all the late nights and guinea pigs (friends /fam that let me use their hands for practice). To my mom, my aunts, cousins, my best friends, and my husband for never letting me give up. And of course, to all my amazing clients. I couldn't have done it without you all. 

